(“Thoughts I Want To Leave Behind” is a collection of thoughts and impressions I want to leave behind as I begin to make my final pastoral transition.)
#2 Follow The Presence
There will be times in the coming years when you will run out of road. You will come to a place where you won’t see the next step. In these moments desperation and fear will try to take hold of your life and steer you toward the destination of despair.
When you begin to feel this way, remember, when you walk with God you are never without an option. You carry the very presence of Jesus Christ. While you carry His Presence at all times, God can also choose to manifest His presence outside your life. This manifest presence of God has the ability to draw you forward to take steps of faith when no pathway is visible to the natural eye. This drawing of the Spirit is what the old timers called, “deep calling out to deep”. The presence of God within you will draw you forward step-by-step toward the direction where He is all ready at work. Follow these inclinations. They will become your way forward.
Pastor Garris , your life is such a Blessing that God has bestowed upon us. Father God really loves us He has Blessed us with you!
Sadie Blackwood