As the New Year approaches, I was contemplating what the change in the calendar would mean for the Church. I saw the image of a naked individual walking forward to the summit of the New Year. The person was a composite image of the Body of Christ preparing to cross the threshold of 2021-2022. They carried nothing with them, just a humble heart and a naked submission to the will of God. All the items they were told and mistakenly believed they needed to live a life of faith had been removed.
2022 will be a year of a naked faith – a faith adorned only with humility and the power of God’s Spirit. Crossing the threshold of the New Year will require repentant hearts – hearts sorry for what we have done to create an over-dressed Church wearing layers of assumptions the Lord is now in the process of removing. 2022 will be a year when we understand that it is all about Him and nothing else.
In 2022, expect to see a powerful awakening take place first in the Church and then within the culture – a culture that has been waiting for a naked Church to walk into their lives and offer them a freedom that is only found in Jesus Christ.
Watched a feel good Christmas movie tonight. Over the top “sweet”. Reminds me of how the church has been… I’m looking forward to seeing lives changed when we walk in this naked humility you speak of.
Oh, to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. Without pretense.