by | Dec 5, 2022 | Prophetic | 3 comments

I write this knowing it will raise the hackles in those who have accepted, hook-line-and-sinker, everything their favorite news outlet broadcasts as the truth. That concern aside, I write it for those of us who teach, write, and post things about God so we can move past the prematurely accepted “facts” we are told to believe as the truth to discover what is really taking place.  Our faith needs to gain traction in the place where those we serve are affected by the most evil forms of culture-impacting disinformation.

Satan is described as the father of lies. His primary tool is deception. He is our enemy, not the misinformed purveyors of his deception. For the sake of our readers and listeners, we need to unpack the methods of his deception using examples from the world in which we live. This doesn’t mean that every week a sermon or social media posting will resemble commentary on the latest news. It does mean we must keep people informed to the best of our ability so they can make informed decisions.

We live amid what I would call a spiritual “Clear and Present Danger.” A clear and present danger is defined as a risk or threat to public safety that is serious and imminent. It refers to abuse caused by political and military powers and those employed by those entities to broadcast their agendas. It also calls into light the dangers of bureaucracies where no one is held accountable for their actions – until it is exposed.

In the Church, a clear and present danger exists in our generation. Many good and well-meaning believers are uninformed about what is taking place in their world. They either bury their head in the sand hoping it will pass or deny that such things exist. In their discomfort, some have resorted to calling those who bring such things to their attention as having lost their way.

I just finished viewing an unsettling video exposing the agenda of one of the most visible news sources in the world. I linked the video below for you to watch if you so desire. It is both informative and unsettling. I share it not as a political hit piece, but to simply inform. As you watch the video watch it to discover the hidden agendas and the progression of “causes” used to lead the cultural herd toward a cliff of dark outcomes. While this is taking place in one media outlet it is also happening in all of them to some degree. Only facts discerned by the Spirit of God can be trusted.

The greatest need we have in the Church at this moment in our history is discernment. Without it, we will align with ways of thinking and worldviews that will harm us and those we are called to serve.


  1. John J Anderson II


    And we are cautioned (Jesus: Matt 24-25) to guard against deception, warning that in one season even the very elect would be deceived if it were possible.

    “Gird up the loins of your MIND and prepare for battle (Peter)”

  2. jamie

    Did u see where the national defense funding and allowed the JCPA crud to be financed also????

    I mean…whoooooa nelly. Talk about biased media sources holding power to sway the masses…

  3. Annette G Trucke

    Unsettling to say the least. Yet we know this kind of deception–using fear as the primary tool is everywhere and in all directions. Curious, when asked who decides what will be the covered focus it comes from the top, those wanting paychecks and position follow suit, and the world follows.
    People really need to understand how this works. It is Marketing 101 and we are all targeted as the ideal customers by satan. The telling stench of fear-laced pride and arrogance, manipulation and deceit, as well as the need for mocking power and control all are demonstrate the origination of these things being set against the knowledge of God.


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