As I read through Revelation, I am reminded of God’s justice. Only by knowing that God is the final arbiter of injustice can we be a peace and park our emotions in the safe confines of our trust in God. Scripture is clear how God feels about injustice, “Our God does not tolerate perverted justice“ (II Chronicles 19:7).
At the end of time, as noted in Revelation, the fifth seal will be broken. When this happened those who had been martyred for their faith would cry out, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you judge the people who belong to this world and avenge our blood for what they have done to us?” (Revelation 6:10). Injustice will cause us to cry out to God in our search for understanding and ask, “Why is this happening?”
As the fifth seal was broken cataclysmic events began to happen in the natural order impacting all people, “Then everyone—the kings of the earth, the rulers, the generals, the wealthy, the powerful, and every slave and free person—will hide in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains” (vs. 15). They were hiding from the Lamb of God who will begin to execute His justice. All will be vulnerable to His will. “For the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to survive” (vs. 17).
To properly interpret what is happening in our world we must consider the end of time when the Lamb will execute His justice upon all forms of injustice. Without that perspective, we will fight with the wrong weapons using the wrong tactics.
There will come a time when injustice, in all its forms, will harvest the judgment of God and bring to an end its reign of injustice. “Those who plant injustice will harvest disaster, and their reign of terror will come to an end” (Proverbs 22:8).
Garris, Micah 4 / Isaiah 2 present Messiah’s prosecution of justice as an ongoing procedure at personal, interpersonal and group/political levels. This is based on the clear issuance of “Just Laws” (the Law of the Lord) and righteous guidance on interpretation and application (the Word of the Lord). The end result is peace, the absence of a fear-motive for maintaining a war machine, secure private property, personal prosperity, and voluntary sharing. This is world-wide “Golden Rule Living”
May we model The Golden Rule as the human expression of our total devotion to a righteous, just and loving God whose son has redeemed us from all sin!
Oh yes and amen HE is Holy!