A New Lane of Assignment

by | Feb 6, 2021 | Prophetic | 0 comments

In the year 2021, some of you will be repositioned in places of influence that your natural experience could not predict or prepare you to experience. The phrase “stay in your lane” will be ignored by the Spirit to reposition people based on the message they carry or a gift they possess. These personal messages and gifts will be used by the Lord to steer individuals and groups toward new outcomes that will reflect the heart of God and Kingdom values.

This repositioning is not something that can be accomplished by human maneuvering or posturing. God will literally come and pick up these Kingdom influencers from a familiar lane of experience and place them in meetings and conversations no effort of self-promotion could accomplish. As this takes place those who say “stay in your lane” will have their faithless warning challenged as the evidence of God’s repositioning begins to bear significant, and in some cases, miraculous fruit.

Leading up to this changing of lanes, the individuals changing lanes will have their character examined by the Lord, not for exposure, but for preparation of what is to come. Those who yield to this work of preparation will have their motives examined before the repositioning takes place. They will hear the gentle instructions of the Spirit that will prepare them for an alignment with this lane-changing work of God. 


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