by | Jul 20, 2024 | Prophetic | 2 comments

If you have been given a prophetic assignment, it will be challenging. That calling will have you speak words that may run contrary to the deceptions people believe and the misconceptions that are leading them astray. To announce what the Lord asks you to speak may come across as a word of judgment, not a word of loving correction from God.

The Lord had a plan for Jeremiah’s life while he was still in his mother’s womb, “Before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). Jeremiah responded, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!” (vs. 6). When the calling to be a prophet of God comes to a person, age doesn’t matter, young or old. Only obedience to the calling is what matters.

The Lord said to Jeremiah, “You must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you” (vs. 7-8). When God calls a person to speak in His name, it will not always align with what everyone thinks or believes. It can put our current relationships in jeopardy and at times, even our physical well-being.

Before Jeremiah spoke, the Lord reached out and touched his mouth and said, “Look, I have put my words in your mouth! Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms” (vs. 9-10). 

In some circles within the Church the words, “The Lord said…” are met with mockery implying we have no right to attach God’s name to what is being prophesied. If you want to speak for the Lord, you will need to step over that abutment and speak what the Lord asked you to speak. Prophecy is not a popularity contest. It is a verbal or demonstrative gift that people will either hear or see. What they hear or see may bring a personal challenge that will be met with rejection.

When God calls someone to speak in His name, not everything that is shared will be a warm and embracing word of prophecy. Some words will challenge people emotionally or spiritually. When those situations arise, the Lord said to Jeremiah, “Get up and prepare for action. Go out and tell them everything I tell you to say. Do not be afraid of them” (vs. 17). Telling people “everything” is not always an easy course to walk but it is the way of obedience. 

When a prophetic word is spoken that challenges people and their false beliefs those to whom the word is addressed may react negatively. If that happens, the Lord’s words of encouragement to Jeremiah must be embraced or our gift will grow silent, “They will fight you, but they will fail. For I am with you, and I will take care of you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” (vs. 19).


  1. Michael Kludt

    Brother Garris, the last seven days has been a “Turning Point” in my life. My Redeemer lives! Your work brought correction and direction. And today answered questions I have had for about six years. Thank you for the Pastor’s heart that you operate in as a prophet. Old Testament Prophets brought Judgement, New testament prophets bring God’s mercy, grace and truth. The old way is condemnation, the new way is conviction. May Holy Spirit have His way in belilevers hearts. Jesus just happens to be the Perfect New Testament Prophet.


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