This morning, as I was reading scripture, I came to Proverbs 20:27 where the text says, “The Lord’s light penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden motive.”
When I read those words, I saw the image of a book. As I watched the book a wind began blowing across its pages moving them one-by-one like an invisible hand was turning each page. I immediately knew the wind was the Spirit of God and the book represented the lives of individuals and institutions, both political and religious.
As the wind continued to turn each page, I understood the purpose of the wind was to go deeper into the contents of the book hidden behind its beautiful cover and binding. The wind was peeling back the pages to reveal the true motives of the heart hidden deep within the chapters of the book.
When this revealing takes place it will be a work of purity, not punishment. The wind of the Spirit is doing a work of preparation for what God is about to accomplish in the earth. Stay humble and merciful as lives are being exposed because the same wind revealing the motives in other people will also reveal the motives hidden deep within the pages of your life. This attitude of the heart will give your voice a merciful tone as you speak to those who are being exposed by the light of truth.