A spirit is afoot attempting to thwart the works of God. I am seeing this happen with friends in other nations and here at home in America. The common denominator regarding each of these individuals under assault is their mission to accelerate and accomplish The Great Commission.
The word “thwart” means to prevent an effort from accomplishing its desired goal. It prevents, interferes, or legislates against the will of God. The weapons being used can be very natural, like the misuse of the law to punish their target into bankruptcy or Christian investors who follow a worldly financial mindset, not a Kingdom mindset, regarding the release of their funds to advance a work of God.
Some of you reading these words have been under the influence of this demonic spirit. You have had unexplainable delays repeatedly happen again and again or have experienced the aborting of promises people have made about their partnership with you. These thwarting works can become very tiring and exhausting, to the point of causing you to give up. These spirits are sent to deplete you of your remaining hope and drain the spiritual energy you will need to keep contending for God’s will to happen no matter what you see or feel, or what new opposition comes your way.
This is a time for those of us in a supporting role to engage in a deeper form of militant prayer where the sound of our prayers is not passive, but aggressive toward the mission of this spirit. Our prayers would include the calling forth of a tipping point that will move these individuals and ministries toward the accomplishment of God’s will. We are to call for a shift in the direction of the momentum of what is opposing the assignment God has called people to accomplish. Once the accumulated power of our prayers is released, a flood of breakthroughs and redemption will take place. Those who remained in the fight will begin to see what the enemy had previously blinded them from seeing.
For those of you experiencing the effects of this thwarting spirit, you feel like you are well past the 11th hour of hope. You are now past even the midnight hour of the hope of redemption. It will be important for you to not forget that God does His greatest and most praise-worthy works long past the midnight hour of human intervention. It is there where He will get the glory for what takes place when the prayers of the saints were able to shift the outcome of hell’s assault by defeating the efforts of a thwarting spirit.