by | May 22, 2024 | Prophetic | 2 comments

Each season of life has a specific assignment. To discover that assignment is to become empowered in ways we might not realize in the beginning when questions about that assignment are first asked. 

I remember my pastor telling a group of us young and yet-to-be pastors, a single and profound truth about our marriage and how it related to our calling. He said, “Before you become a pastor, ask your wife what she wants to do as your partner in the ministry’” I asked Jan that question and she said, “I just want to be a mom to my kids and a support to you.” That assignment carried on for all the years our kids were growing up along with a young pastor who was still maturing as a leader.

A few years ago, Jan began to assume a more visible role in public ministry whenever I was asked to speak. I began to see a new assignment developing in Jan’s life. Last weekend, Jan crossed into a new place of ministry. I saw her prophesy profound prophetic words and take part in leading a regional pastor’s gathering. The next day, in a different city, Jan brought deep truth at a pivotal moment in a church gathering. I stood with a congregation and received with amazement what God was revealing through Jan.

What I witnessed was my wife having moved into a new season of her life. Jan has never been an insecure person having to prove her worth by getting pushy in our relationship and demanding a place of public ministry. I’ve seen some pastors try to platform a wife’s demand for a share of public ministry making that attempt appear pushy, premature, and out of God’s timing and purpose.  

Over the years, I wondered how long Jan’s original assignment would last. She held true to her answer to the original question I asked her when we began our shared assignment almost fifty years ago. I am glad she held to her original answer to my question of loving and serving our family. But now, a new Jan has emerged, and I like what I see and hear. 

As each of us explores a new and different season of life, we will see each other differently in that new context. If we allow the Spirit of God, not our impatience or a need for recognition to lead us, the Lord will do mighty things through that kind of a submitted heart. It all starts with asking the right kind of questions about the timing and assignment of our calling. Walking in that commitment will reveal new aspects of a person’s life that will bless all who have the honor of benefiting from their obedience.


  1. Ann

    Agree. My grandmother was my Methodist pastor grandfather’s right hand “pastor” too. She was up early & dressed for the day everyday, ready to serve their church community in countless ways.She always had visitors for dinner in the evening so prepared larger meals & welcomed many to their table & did this as a ministry for 50 years.

  2. Bernie Weigand

    I’m so glad we’re all able to grow and change, and that God’s call is not static.


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