by | Aug 28, 2024 | Prophetic | 0 comments

Apart from the personal nudges I receive from the Holy Spirit, my wife, Jan, has taught me more about Kingdom finances than anyone else. Perhaps it was because she grew up as the child of missionaries who lived in a foreign land and had to rely on others to support their ministry.

I am not talking about Jan being a financial advisor savvy about the latest stock market trends or where to place the funds dedicated to an IRA. I am talking about being sensitive to God’s leading that prompted us to support those who have blessed us in some way or those who were surprised by our financial gifts because they never asked for our support. We once supported someone who was obstinate toward us as an act of spiritual warfare against the spirit that motivated their insensitive response. It has been a remarkable journey that has opened my eyes to see God in ways not considered when I was consumed with my own needs.

We can too easily assume that the spiritual blessings a person or a ministry offers us end with our receiving the fruit of their ministry. Those blessings come to hopefully spur our gratitude and causing us to offer a tangible return for their gift.

When Paul wrote about the church in Philippi, he said something that made the Philippian church stand out among other churches. He said, “You Philippians were the only ones who gave me financial help when I first brought you the Good News and then traveled on from Macedonia. No other church did this” (4:15). 

“No other church” included the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Thessalonians, and Colossians. Those churches may have caught on later and offered Paul support but when the letter to the Philippians was written, the Philippians stood alone in their example of gracious giving.

God is calling us to be exceptional people in all areas of life, including our financial support of His faithful servants. We make room to support so many things that bless us personally but what makes us exceptional is how we steward our finances to support those we have failed to recognize as they continue to bless us.

Today, be exceptional. It will change your life in unexpected ways.


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