by Garris Elkins | Aug 28, 2018 | Change, Courage, Death, Discipleship, Father, Freedom, Future, Identity, Intimacy, Kingdom of God, Revelation, Supernatural, Transition, Vision.
Have you noticed that just before a life-altering event takes place we have no idea our lives are about to change in a dramatic fashion? Life-transition, loss, natural disasters or an unexpected blessing all have the ability to alter our current reality. Every human...
by Garris Elkins | Aug 22, 2018 | Discipleship, Discipline, Father, Forgiveness, Freedom, Giving, God, Honor, Justice, Kingdom of God, Mercy, Obedience, Peace, Pride, Restoration, Wisdom
The word “they” has been used to distance people from each other ever since the first tribe went to war with a neighboring tribe. The problem with the word is the separation it creates between people. I have used the word in negative tones and so have you. Here is...
by Garris Elkins | Jul 15, 2018 | Deliverance, Dreams, Father, Five-Fold Ministry, Freedom, God, Justice, Love, Miracles, Revelation, Revival, Spiritual Warfare
Jan and I were driving through Spokane, Washington on freeway I-90. Jan was born in Spokane and I did a couple of years at Whitworth University, so the city holds a special place in our lives. As we entered the city traveling westbound from Idaho, up ahead I saw one...
by Garris Elkins | Jul 7, 2018 | Change, Deliverance, Father, Fear, Freedom, Love, Marriage, Mercy, Miracles, Relationships, Transition, Women
In August of 1969, I was driving north on I-5 in my 69 VW bug to return for my sophomore year at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington. I was reporting early for football camp. As I drove north, I was listening to the song White Bird by the band, Its a Beautiful...
by Garris Elkins | Jun 2, 2018 | Apostle, Discipleship, Faith, Father, Future, Holiness, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Obedience, Truth, Wisdom, Word
When I stand under a warm summer midnight sky and look into the heavens and see the stars, I wonder. When I wake up from a dream, I wonder. When I view photographic images from the Hubble telescope of a distant galaxy, I wonder. When I see a newborn baby that just...
by Garris Elkins | May 2, 2018 | Deliverance, Faith, Father, Forgiveness, Future, Giving, Humility, Kingdom of God, Obedience, Peace, Provision, Reconciliation, Restoration, Trust, Worship
The situation you have been forced into through no fault of our own is not your final destination and condition. God always has a plan to prosper His people no matter what their circumstance may seem to indicate. Joseph, who was sold into slavery and unlawfully...