by Garris Elkins | Aug 7, 2019 | Change, Courage, Creativity, Deliverance, Destiny, Dreams, Faith, Favor, Future, Gifts, God, Grace, Honor, Hope, Love, Promise, Redemption, Resurrection, Worship
When a life plan falls apart it and a feeling of discouragement arrives, it is too easy to believe a lie that says God has only one plan for our life. In those painful experiences, we can give up because we don’t see a new way forward, thinking we serve a...
by Garris Elkins | Aug 2, 2019 | Apostle, Culture, Deliverance, Discernment, Discipleship, Five-Fold Ministry, Freedom, Holy Spirit, Justice, Kingdom of God, Leadership, Prophecy, Prophetic, Redemption, Word
Some mainstream social media platforms and search engines are demonstrating a level of control and censorship not imagined just a few years ago. Consideration of an opposing opinion is being denied and in some extreme cases defined as domestic terrorism. As...
by Garris Elkins | Jul 22, 2019 | Courage, Deliverance, Discipleship, Discipline, Future, Gifts, Holy Spirit, Intimacy, Promise, Redemption, Sacrifice, Supernatural
Deep water feels different than shallow water. If you have ever jumped off a boat into the middle of a deep lake or out at sea, you will know what I mean. Yes, water is water, but the unknown depths beneath your dangling feet do something to your perception. For many,...
by Garris Elkins | Jul 17, 2019 | Discipleship, Discipline, Faith, Fathers, Grace, Healing, Honor, Hope, Integrity, Peace, Promotion, Redemption, Spiritual Warfare, Wisdom, Worship
Yesterday, Jan was off to meet someone for a counseling appointment, so I headed to a local market to buy some groceries for dinner. In the checkout line, I began to place items on the conveyer belt. When I picked up a bottle of Kinder BBQ sauce, my hand slipped, and...
by Garris Elkins | Jul 16, 2019 | Destiny, Dreams, Eternity, Faith, Favor, Fear, Freedom, Future, Grace, Honor, Hope, Love, Mercy, Provision, Redemption
As I read through the 14th chapter of Revelation, I came across verse 13. One part of that verse caught my attention. The text reads, “…for their good deeds follow them.” As I pondered what that phrase could mean for us today, I began to get a sense of what the...
by Garris Elkins | Jun 21, 2019 | Change, Courage, Deliverance, Discernment, Faith, Holy Spirit, Hope, Marriage, Miracles, Redemption, Relationships, Spiritual Warfare, Supernatural
Have you ever wondered why people freeze up and are unable to respond to an emergency? There is something called the “startle factor.” It occurs in a state of emergency when overwhelming outside stimuli takes place like stark visuals and loud noises. It causes people...