by Garris Elkins | Oct 2, 2019 | Creativity, Discernment, Discipleship, Grace, Humility, Promotion, Reformation, Relationships, Restoration, Wisdom
This morning, I am making pancakes for breakfast. After I got the coffee going, I melted some butter in a pan, then added a cup of fresh blueberries, some maple syrup and set the pan on the stove at a slow simmer. I went about a few more morning tasks then turned off...
by Garris Elkins | Sep 24, 2019 | Change, Deliverance, Discernment, Discipline, Faith, Fathers, Fear, Future, Peace, Restoration, Transition, Trust
Yesterday, I was stopped at a traffic light. I began to hear the bleating of a lamb. I thought it was something on my radio. Then I heard it again. I realized a lamb was inside a custom made transport crate depicted in the photograph. The crate was securely held in...
by Garris Elkins | Jun 5, 2019 | Change, Discipleship, Evangelism, Family, Favor, Freedom, Future, God, Grace, Kingdom of God, Promise, Reconciliation, Redemption, Relationships, Restoration, Thankfulness, Vision.
Over the years, friends have given me unique gifts from antiquity. The coin and the frame in which it is displayed sit atop a bookshelf in our living room. There have been times in the last 20 years when I stopped to look at the coin and wondered through whose hands...
by Garris Elkins | Jun 1, 2019 | Culture, Dreams, Favor, Freedom, Future, Grace, Hope, Mercy, Promise, Restoration, Revival
As I write this it is almost 4:00 in the morning and the pre-dawn temperature is 62 degrees with a forecasted daytime high of 88. In the middle of winter, a daytime temperature of 62 would be a record-setting heat wave. When I saw the warm temperature reading and...
by Garris Elkins | May 19, 2019 | Creativity, Discernment, Discipleship, Dreams, Future, Honor, Kingdom, Leadership, Mercy, Promise, Restoration, Revival, Vision.
New is not better. New is different. We have the tendency to think that our turn at the helm navigated the ship of our ministry into its most unique ports. While that sounds good, it is a limited view of God and the future. Something about God is new each morning, and...
by Garris Elkins | Apr 30, 2019 | Deliverance, Discernment, Freedom, Justice, Leadership, Prophecy, Reformation, Restoration, Spiritual Warfare, Supernatural, Vision., Wisdom
For several weeks, I have been hearing the words “collapsing scaffolding” in my spirit. Throughout human history, the scaffolding of lies has been erected over the face of God like construction scaffolding is placed over the front of a building in an attempt to...