Connecting Revival Silos

by | Nov 14, 2017 | Kingdom of God, Reformation, Revival | 0 comments

A significant step in the reformation currently taking place in culture will be the connection of revival silos. In agricultural terms, a silo is a tall cylindrical container that stores grain for future delivery. These silos are huge. Many of them are several stories tall. Alone, they have a limited capacity and potential. Linked together with other silos they have unlimited capacity and potential.    

God wants to bring together silos of revival for a supernaturally multiplied impact in the nations that a standalone silo of ministry cannot attain. For too long we have allowed our lives and ministries to be separated by the non-essentials of our faith and by the narrowness of our preferences. God wants to do a John 17 work of oneness in His Church that will release a supernatural harvest of souls only attained when we work together.    

The connection of these silos will take place through relationships formed in humility, not by an affiliation created by the limitations of a preferred style of ministry, a shared denominational history or the need to be seen as the predominant leader of a movement. God wants to connect our diversity and our uniqueness to express His heart to the world.    

This connectivity will come as the result of the intentional steps taken by those who lead these revival silos to connect with other silos for the greater good. New levels of increased Kingdom influence will come to those willing to link up in relationship to deliver together the grain of revival that will become the bread of Heaven for the nations.  

“I pray that they all will be one, just as you and I are one” (John 17:21).


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