When I played football for Whitworth
University in Spokane, Washington, one of my teammates invited me home to spend
a weekend with his family and have some home cooking. As a misplaced and lonely
California kid I accepted this invitation with great joy. After our last class on Friday night, we
hopped in his car and began the long drive across the eastern Washington
farmlands toward his very small hometown out in the middle of nowhere.
We were driving late at night. Off in
the distance of this “middle of nowhere” place was a desolate intersection
monitored only by stop signs for all four of the converging roadways. The moment I saw the reflection of the stop
sign off in the dark distance my teammate said, “Turn off your lights to see if
any other cars are coming and if you don’t see any lights don’t slow down –
just blow the stop!” Without thinking I did what my friend suggested and blew
through the intersection doing 65 mph with no headlights on and thought nothing
of it. Now, years later with a fully
developed brain, I realize the foolishness we displayed that night.
That intersection reminds me of what
the future for some in the Church will look like without the illuminating
authority of scripture to help them navigate the dark cultural intersections we
are now approaching. Psalm 119:105, tells us how to wisely navigate these dark intersections
with the words, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
and a light for my path.”
As you approach these cultural crossings
make sure you navigate them safely illuminated by the light of God’s truth. Do
this because there may be other people approaching the same intersection having
turned off the light of truth believing the potentially fatal lie that tells them these treacherous crossings can be made in total darkness. I shudder to think what might have happened
that night had another equally foolish driver attempted to make the same
crossing assuming no light was needed to make it to the other side.
Wow! Thank you for this word of wisdom.