by | Aug 5, 2024 | Prophetic | 3 comments

When I was a cop, I never liked getting a radio call to break up a bar fight. Bar fights made no sense because all the involved parties were drunk. In their state of intoxication, they abandoned good sense and began to randomly throw punches. When the fight was broken up, people went to jail.

Some of what is happening in the world and within its systems resembles a bar fight in an old Western movie. People are drunk in their rebellion against the Lord throwing punches at anyone who gets in their way.

As Babylon was being dismantled and removed from its place of authority, it was written of the Lord, “I will make her officials and wise men drunk” (Jeremiah 51:57). The Lord gave Babylon the drink of consequence for their consumption of pride and rebellion against God. When they drank their fill of spiritual debasement, they could no longer rule the nation with stability. Eventually, the nation was destroyed.

When a cultural bar fight is taking place, it is wise not to enter the saloon. Let foolish people fight their foolish battles. Stupid battles will always yield stupid prices. They are not worth the conflict.

Our culture has entered a melee of discord and disagreement. Punches are being thrown about like a drunkard under the influence of too much alcohol. Don’t join in these fights. They produce no good fruit.

“The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm” (Exodus 14:14).


  1. Carrie Franke

    Brilliant analogy!

  2. Greta G

    I love this! Brilliant! Just this morning, I read, “blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God.” Love the way you are bringing Biblical truths, the Truth as old as time, straight into our present.

  3. Sharon Ceaser

    This is very true!


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