Earlier this week the Lord spoke to me. He said, “The prayers of some of my people are
beginning to sound like a preparation for a funeral – not a proclamation of
life.” This word came just hours before our pastoral staff visited the home
of a dear man in our church who is fighting Stage Four Cancer.
When we arrived at the man’s home we began to pray for
him. In the midst of our prayers, I shared
the word the Lord gave me. Immediately
the faith of my sick friend kicked into high gear and he said, “Yes, I believe
the Lord heals. I am not done yet!” For
several more minutes we continued to declare life and healing over our friend.
That same week I was with another friend who is also fighting
an advanced cancer in his brain. We had
a similar conversation. This strong man of God also rose up in faith and
declared his belief that God was not done with him. Faith releases faith.
This is the power of community created through fellowship. We encourage each other to believe for more.
When the writer of Hebrews wrote, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews
13:8 NLT), he was not writing a line for a religious Hallmark card. He was declaring that the Life-giver would be
among us forever – across all dimensions of time – never diminishing in His
ability to heal the sick and set the captives free.
My pastor, Roy Hicks, Jr., once said no matter what we see
we are mandated to pray for the sick. Resignation to death is never part of our assignment. Unless the Lord was to say otherwise – we pray.
Review the
substance of your prayers. If they sound
more like “kind” words that prepares someone for death – repent of that as a
resignation to the power of death. Our resignation to death is a loss of
faith. Faith is a gift. If you feel
lacking in faith, ask for a new measure and God will supply you in abundance.
Our belief is not empowered by our hope for positive results
from our prayers for the sick. Yes, we
want our loved ones to be healed, but healing is not where our hope is supposed
to rest. A follower of Christ must have their hope anchored only in the Person
of Jesus Christ – the One Who is always the same, yesterday, today and forever. Any other anchor point will become a place of
disappointment and sorrow.
Jesus is alive and increasing His healing presence upon the
earth. He is not looking for funeral
directors who will make people comfortable as they tolerate our enemy Death.
Jesus is looking for Life-speakers who will declare His life in the presence of
Death while placing their trust in His unchanging nature.
“This resurrection life you received from God
is not a timid, grave-tending life.” (Romans 8:15 – The Message)