In prayer, I just saw a demon spirit called Dark Agenda running through an open door into the heart of our nation. As the demon ran forward he was focusing his attention on the beating heart of America. 

As he ran forward, he stumbled and then stumbled again and again. He was stumbling over all the prayers offered throughout our history destined for this moment in time. One after another, each prayer became a stumbling obstacle to the completion of the demon’s mission. Finally, he stumbled one last time and fell flat on his face exhausted in defeat. Then I saw the Spirit of Truth approach the prostrate demon and cut off his head with one swift cut of His sword. 

Do not become weary in prayer. What you have released by faith in prayer is bringing down a dark spirit that assumed his way forward was secure. God is about to surprise the cynics and enliven the faith of His people. A moment of divine intervention has come.


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