by | Dec 16, 2022 | Prophetic | 4 comments

This week, I looked out our front window and saw a bird nest. The tree where the nest was built had shed all its leaves allowing the nest to become visible. I’ve never seen a nest in that tree in the last 20 years. As I stood in front of the window still gazing at the nest, I knew the Lord wanted to say something.

The nest is evidence of life in a previous season. The bird and her chicks have moved on and left the nest behind. Some of you are walking through a barren and cold season of life like it is at this time of year when the trees appear dead and lifeless and the nest is empty. The abandoned nest and the bare tree limbs could describe what you are feeling. The nest is evidence that life in your past was possible and real.   If you take a closer look, looking beyond this season of disappointment, you will see you have left behind a series of other nests that represent God’s faithfulness in your life. They that scattered through the trees of your history. These nests are evidence that what God did for you in the past He will be faithful to do again in the future. Don’t allow one season to define your life.

That empty nest gave me a sense of hope that in the coming spring another bird will build yet another nest in our tree. So it will be for you. A birthing place will be offered for the new offspring of your faith. When the birthing is finished, you will leave behind the evidence of life. Seasons change, but God’s faithfulness never changes. In due season, He will build the next nest in your life where He will birth something new. Let this season run its course. Keep believing and never give up hope. The winter, both in your personal life and in the natural, will soon be over.


  1. Lesley Ann Richardson

    Bless you Garris. You have never failed to bring a word of encouragement when I have needed it most. And I am so thankful for your forthrightness in declaring “the signs of the times.”

  2. Lesley Ann Richardson

    Bless you Garris. You have never failed to bring a work of encouragement when I have needed it most. And I am thankful also for your forthrightness in declaring “the signs of the times.

  3. Lesley Ann Richardson

    Bless you Garris. You have never failed to bring a work of encouragement when I have needed it most. And I am thankful also for your forthrightness in declaring “the signs of the times.”

  4. Arlene Sarver

    Such an encouraging word Garris, I can apply it to my life right now, as I lost my daughter so recently, she has flown to heaven this month, yet I am comforted knowing she is now hearing, seeing, dancing, and singing in the presence of God.


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