by | Oct 8, 2024 | Prophetic | 1 comment

There are times when our faith will take us into situations where evil is present to seek out and expose its presence. As David began writing Psalm 101, he said, “I will sing of your love and justice, Lord” (vs.1). Love and justice set the stage for what David would write in the Psalm. He wrote of love and justice working in harmony with each other. To love without justice is not complete. Love and justice must work together, or we will miss what it is that God has planned to accomplish.

David said, “I will lead a life of integrity in my own home” (vs. 2). Integrity must be present in our personal lives before we look outside to expose any evil in our culture.  David made a strong statement about any alliance with those who support evil, “I will have nothing to do with them” (vs. 3). 

As David built an alliance of like-minded people, he said, “I will search for faithful people to be my companions. Only those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me” (vs. 6). This is how David amassed his close advisors, his team of mighty men.

Once David had his house in order with integrity and assembled close relationships with others who had the same integrity, he said, “My daily task will be to ferret out the wicked and free the city of the Lord from their grip” (vs. 8). 

To “ferret out” something is named after a small creature that looks like a weasel. For thousands of years, ferrets have been used for hunting, or “ferreting” out the presence of other animals. With their long, lean bodies and inquisitive nature, ferrets are well-equipped for getting down narrow holes where other animals are secreted like rodents, moles, and other vermin. They hunt what is hidden and bring to the surface what is unseen.

Many in the Church are uncomfortable with ferreting out and exposing evil. That process only works if love and justice are working together in an environment of personal integrity. To attempt to expose hidden wickedness without our integrity being intact and supported by love and justice will eventually become an unloving witch hunt. 

We need to pause before we attempt to ferret out evil in our world. We need to remain silent and allow the Lord to examine the condition of our hearts. If we are on a mission to ferret out hidden evil without having a heart of personal integrity, expressed by love and justice, we will come across as just another angry judgmental person.  To seek God’s love and justice with a heart of integrity will allow the Lord to use the spiritual ferreting process for His redemptive purposes. In the natural, ferrets seek out what is hidden to kill and expose. Spiritually, mentally, and physically, the Lord exposes and destroys evil, while seeking to redeem and restore those influenced and dominated by its influence.

1 Comment

  1. Sunny Martin

    Thank you, Brother Garris Elkins. I appreciate and will dive in this scriptures with all my Soul.
    Gladness and gratitude I leave here. Good Shower You with his Blessings.


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