by | May 21, 2023 | Prophetic | 3 comments

I once talked with a close friend battling an aggressive form of cancer. He had a loving wife and together they raised wonderful kids. Whatever happened in this life never robbed him of his love for God and family.

What I noticed about my friend was his faith. It never wavered even when a dark diagnosis was given. His faith in the Lord went deeper and become even more intimate.

The Lord had me share with my friend a verse that Jan and I have adopted as a guiding truth for our lives. It is Philippians 1:21, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”

In the matters of life, the good and the bad, it’s all about the presence of Jesus. His presence is always with us no matter how painful a diagnosis might be or when we consider the thought of losing a loved one. Our death is also a promise of life. The presence of Jesus will accompany us as we take our final breath and step from this life into eternity to live forever in the Lord’s presence. In either state, He is with us.

I prayed for my friend. He did all that could be done regarding his health. My friend was living in a place of raw trust. His trust was not in a preferred outcome, but in the One who promised to never leave or forsake him either in this life or the one to come.


  1. Jeff McLeod

    Christ IS our life regardless of where our physical body may be. I love Paul’s declaration and attitude!

  2. Dave Wilson

    Strong word. Full of vigor and vitality.


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