Yesterday, I wrote about a new Pentecost – a fresh move of God’s Spirit. A friend of mine read what I wrote and sent me a photo of a large group of pastors – hundreds of them – crowding around a church platform hungry for a fresh move of God in their lives and in the churches where they serve. The image, and my friend’s explanation of what was taking place, was evidence that God is stirring His people in a new way in this generation. This new way has been the only way for the last 2,000 years that God has prepared His people for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit.
Perhaps it is my age and length of service in God’s Kingdom, but I now take special note of the words spoken by people like my friend who have been around for decades and know what works and what is just religious filler. Paul wrote a similar report to the Romans.
“They were convinced by the power of miraculous signs and wonders and by the power of God’s Spirit. In this way, I have fully presented the Good News of Christ from Jerusalem all the way to Illyricum” (Romans 15:19).
Paul wrote these words to the Romans as he was beginning the last laps of his life. He told the Romans he was enthusiastic about all that Christ had done in their lives. He also said he dared not to boast about anything he brought to the table apart from what the Lord did through him. What Paul spoke to the Romans is a reminder for us of the necessity for the power of God to accomplish our mission, not continuing to employ the shallow substitutes of a powerless Gospel message.
God is preparing His people for what is to come. Political solutions, a seminary degree, or an assumed position of intellectual superiority will not prepare us. The Lord wants to create a deep hunger in all believers no matter their position or notoriety that can only be satisfied by encountering the God who remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. That encounter will align us, once again, with the supernatural methodology of His mission.
A fresh Pentecost is being poured out upon us. That outpouring will dissolve all the compromised solutions we used to replace the manifestation of a supernatural Gospel.
The ‘best wine’ is always saved ‘until now.’ There’s always a New Now, and always a Best Wine. Thanks for reminding us that there is more to experience, to realize, and to present. After all, if do not do it – either the rocks will cry out or God will restore and send the ‘7000 prophets’ he has prepared for this hour.
Well written, Garris!