God’s purpose for marriage spans all of human history from creation until the end of time. When we discover that purpose it will help us align all other areas of our lives with God’s truth. That discovery will reveal the way forward when God’s original blueprint is met with opposition, deception, and mockery, even from some within the Church.
At creation, God created a perfect man and a woman. Adam and Eve were not a physical or emotionally mutilated representation of God’s original intent or an inferior representation of human imagination or perversion. The first couple was a perfect representation of God in human form created in His image expressing the creative work of the Godhead. “In the image of God, he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27).
What made God’s creation perfect was the inclusion of human will – the ability to choose to obey God or deny Him. Perfect love involves submission to the will of God. Without the inclusion of free will humanity would be a robotic representation of people whose choice to love was programmed and manipulated, not offered freely.
God’s perfect creation was placed in a perfect place, the Garden of Eden. When temptation led to sin and a violation of God’s command, sin entered humanity and began its destructive work. That destructive work expressed itself over millennia causing death and separation from the intended purpose of God. It has led to sexual sins of all kinds that destroy the unity of oneness in marriage allowing the entry of perversions and imaginations that dismantle the image of God’s original intent. The will of God in marriage can only be represented by a biblical and biologically accurate description of a man and woman living together in the all challenges that come with marriage choosing each day to love God and express His will no matter what temptation attempts to lure them into disobedience and away from the original blueprint.
In Ephesians 5 Paul said that the union between a man and woman is a picture of Christ and the Church. He defined that union as a mystery and an “illustration of the way of Christ and the church are one” (vs. 32). Any fantasy, temptation, or interpretation of Scripture that comes along to distort and deviate from that image of oneness is not a God-ordained representation of the sacred relationship of a man and woman living as one in marriage.
God is inviting the Church to return to His original intent in all things. We discover that original intent by searching Scripture to discover the original blueprint of God for those issues and from that blueprint realign our lives to reflect His original design.
The Church needs to be an inclusive place opening the doors of our hearts and our local fellowship for all people to hear the Gospel. This should be our desire because it is how Jesus related to all kinds of people caught in all kinds of sin. When He responded to someone living a life of sin He said, “go your way and sin no more.” That instruction was part of His redemptive message when truth met free will at the intersection of choice and consequence.
Jesus never allowed a cultural definition of inclusiveness to violate the original intent of the Father, and neither should we if we want to remain true to His original blueprint. It’s never an easy choice to make, but it’s the way of truth.
Life giving truths!
Ahhhh……. Words inspired by The Holy Spirit are messages from Our Father, Our Good Shepherd, to His Beloved. Us with the ears to hear and the eyes to see His blessings and glory !
Glory, glory to You, oh Lord. The Shepherd of my soul.
Without You, I am incomplete
but with You, I am whole.