This week a startling news story was published. A technology firm who builds pacemakers and heart monitors announced their devices were subject to outside hacking. These devices could be accessed remotely like a computer hacker would access a distant computer system. In other words, a heart hack was possible.
The Spirit was placed inside your life to help you monitor the condition of your spiritual heart. Your heart will remain healthy and strong under the care and monitoring of God’s Spirit but can become vulnerable to outside influence if you choose to open your life up to things opposed to the Spirit.
The only way to be assured that you will walk in all the goodness God has planned for your life is to make sure that outside hacking attempts are shut down by living an open and honest faith. There are things you can do each day to thwart an outside hacking attempt. Here are several:
Confess your sin.
Walk in the light.
Carry no offense.
Believe the best.
Walk in paths of honor.
Each of these activities requires surrender. A heart surrendered to the will of God is not open to being hacked. Surrender is your firewall. Set it up and live in peace.
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23