The Lord wants to heal the Church of an event addiction. We have filled arenas and stadiums at great expense. We have heard the word of the Lord and worshipped with great freedom, and yet our culture has remained largely unchanged. God is inviting His event addicts outside these terminal events with ever-increasing bright colored marquee into the unredeemed parts of our culture. We have allowed a good thing to divert us from the main thing. Revival without reformation is not the intent of the Great Commission. Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.”
A new move of God is already in play. A few insightful ones are beginning to see its potential. The great financial investments we have used to feed our event addiction will be redirected by the Spirit toward more creative and impactful ministries. This redirection will transform the environment of corporate boardrooms, media empires, educational institutions and every place of significance within the culture.
We have entered a season similar to drug rehab program regarding our mission and calling. God will not throw out our past efforts that led to our current addiction. We meant well, but those efforts fed a debilitating model. He is moving us beyond those terminal event models into something new and mobile. That mobility will deliver us into a new place where a great move of God is waiting to take place if we can get clean.