There is a great deal taking place in our world that has people asking the question, “How did we get here?” The answer to the question cannot be spelled out at the moment the question is asked. We must trace backward to reverse engineer an outcome, perception, or life-altering event to see how and where it all began.
Reverse engineering is a process that disassembles something to see how it works, like a machine. Another kind of reverse engineering does not disassemble a physical object. It reverse engineers a way of thinking that will eventually be accepted at some point in the future. To accomplish that goal, the steps of the pathway of acceptance are created inviting people who, over time, will cooperate with a process that will eventually lead to a desired result.
Some of what is happening in our world is causing us to question how something like this could happen. Those who created the scenarios we now question knew the end result before they started their social engineering process. They knew and planned beforehand the engineering process that would be needed to get us to agree to take the steps toward their desired goal. They imagined a desired outcome and then reverse-engineered backward from the future to define in the present the steps we would need to take that would lead us to either an event or the adoption of a worldview. Our job is to re-engineer that future goal to see what led us to our agreement with their agenda.
For example, the compromise of historic biblical truth did not happen overnight. At some point, those who currently hold a compromised theology believed the first in a series of lies that led them to a place of deception.
Some of the cultural change that causes one to ask, “How did we get here” was a planned process that required decades of progressive acceptance to implement a new norm. It’s like the proverbial frog in a water pot that eventually was boiled to death as the temperature slowly increased. In the process, the frog failed to jump out and died in ignorance.
We need what I would call prophetic historians who are led by the Lord to reverse engineer what is currently leading us to dark outcomes. They will reveal and expose hell’s attempt to kill, steal, and destroy and then announce the goodness God has planned for our lives as a stark contrast.
These prophetic research projects and the exposure of hell’s agenda will be shocking to us as we retrace history. It will also reveal our naivety, ignorance, and in some cases, our compliance with works of darkness. Those moments of revelation will become a place of deliverance.
The revelation of these hidden histories will short-circuit the progression of evil in our generation and offer freedom for our spiritual offspring. It will provide the next generation with enough history for them to say “No!” to a continuance of the progression of evil that has been engineered to continue undetected in their lives.
God is a redeemer, and we are the objects of His redemption. That redemption will happen if we are willing to understand what is happening in our world at this time and be humble enough to admit we were led astray. The revelation of that reengineered process and its associated evil will make us and those who will follow after us wiser and not so easily led astray by lies so convincing they sound like the truth.
I’m in the process of writing…it’s def a foundations type work and it’s very clearly reversed engineered lol…and not because I wrote like that…because of how God showed me things and the order he showed them to me…from backwards to forwards… it’s hard to explain.
I had a dream last night about engineering a topographic map too.
did you know the Jewish concept of the future has nothing to do with looking forward (as in a direction) but looking backwards (at history)?
like rowing a boat. your eyes are fixed on the landmark and the history and your back is turned towards your goal mark on the opposing shore.
you know where you are going (future) because of knowing where you can from (history)
thank you for yet another God confirmation.
I always read what you write because it so clearly is the handwriting of God. I appreciate your history and your future view on life. thank you for a life well lived and for sharing it with the rest of us