by | Jun 11, 2023 | Prophetic | 1 comment

In our backyard is a bird’s nest inside one of our trees. The nest is quiet until the baby birds realize their mother is inbound with food. At that point, they begin to squeal and squawk loudly expressing their hunger and the anticipation of their next meal.

I’ve been watching the nest for a few weeks and realized what I was seeing and hearing was the Lord drawing my attention to the nest for a reason. The nest and the baby birds is a metaphor for what is happening in some parts of the Church. People are hungry for God’s word and they are making their hunger known. They want to be nourished and grow no longer satisfied with sermons filled with opinions and reinterpretations of historic truth.

The opinions and reinterpretations lack the kind of nutritional truth required to train and equip the Church to leave the nest of immaturity and take flight into the challenging realities of life. Only the word of God can prepare us for that kind of departure.

The rising level of the squealing and squawking we hear taking place in the Church is a message to leaders to lay aside a weekly meal of personal opinions and reinterpretations of historic truth that disempowers the transformational power of God’s word. Simply teach the word and allow the word to explain itself. The Church does not need another self-improvement message focused solely on us and our needs. People are crying out for messages that declare the majesty and authority of Jesus, His Kingdom, and the overcoming power we’ve been given as followers of Jesus Christ to confront the evil in this world.

In the coming days, it would be sad to watch our backyard nest and see the mother bird fly toward the nest but never land to deliver her chicks their next meal. The squealing and squawking sounds of joyful anticipation would turn into cries of desperation, starvation, and abandonment. They would die in the nest.

Only God’s word can satisfy our deepest hunger for the truth. The word is used by God to prepare us to leave the nest of an immature faith and fly into the future as mature believers. Our season in the nest is only meant to be temporary. It is a place and season God uses to build up our faith to a place where we can fly on our own. That flight will take us into the future with the truth of God’s word empowering our lives and giving us the ability to discern what are half-truths, lies, and outright deceptions. Only the word of God can prepare us for that kind of flight.

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Shearer

    A very touching expression and comparison of birds growing ready to fly the nest and the child of God maturing to the point of being battle ready in these end days. To put it one way. AWESOME GARRIS!! Thank You!



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