by | Sep 17, 2022 | Prophetic | 1 comment

This morning, Jan and I woke up feeling it was a new day. Here’s why.

A few weeks ago, I was lifting a box and heard a loud popping sound in my left shoulder. The sound was so loud it startled me. The next day, I developed a large bruise over my entire bicep. After some research, I realized I had torn my bicep tendon and ruptured the muscle. The resulting injury created what is called the “Popeye Effect.” 

This week my physician ordered a series of tests, one being an extensive ultrasound of the injured area. As the technician scanned my left arm she remarked, “This is a classic bicep and tendon rupture. I will have the Radiologist come in to explain what this means.” A few minutes later, she returned and let me know the Radiologist doesn’t need to see me. After viewing the ultrasound, he agreed with the technician’s assessment.  I was told I would need surgery to reattach and repair my tendon. That would mean six weeks in a shoulder sling and reduced mobility. An appointment was made for me to meet with a surgeon.

Yesterday, I visited the orthopedic surgeon. Before he met me in the examination room, he ordered a series of x-rays. The images were put up on the computer screen in the room while I awaited the consult with the surgeon.  Just before the surgeon came in, I reached out my hand to the computer screen and prayed, “Lord, heal my arm for your glory.” After examining me and viewing the x-rays the surgeon said, “Your tendon is not torn. The little bit of remaining swelling will go down and you will be fine. You are strong. The tests I conducted on you could not have been performed with a torn tendon.”

When I woke up this morning, I sensed a shift had taken place. Jan felt it also. While we both had been praying for the healing of my arm, something happened yesterday that was an obvious and abrupt healing work of God.

Something has shifted in the Spirit and that shift is now beginning to manifest in our natural surroundings and circumstances. Expect more from God. Undeniable testimonies of God’s healing power are being released to announce the arrival of a new day. These miracles will bring hope to people in what appear to be hopeless situations.  When I walked out of the surgeon’s office and into the parking lot, I called Jan to tell her the good news. I was overcome with emotion at the goodness of God.

1 Comment

  1. Mary cosbey

    God is so faithful 🙏🏻


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