I watched a video of a motorcycle cop riding his bike through a set of narrowly spaced cones in a riding competition. It was amazing to see his balance, discipline, and timing. He was trained to do these maneuvers. It did not come naturally. When you train to ride a motorcycle, you will hear your instructor repeatedly tell you to lead each turn by first turning your head in the direction you want to go. The motorcycle will follow you into your place of focus.
This is a perfect example of why we need to continually yield to the renewing work of the Spirit when it comes to our minds and how we think. We will lead the entirety of our lives by how we choose to think. The next step you take today will be the result of the direction in which your thinking is currently focused.
As long as you and I continue to live on this Earth, we will never arrive at the final destination of a fully renewed mind. It is a life-long process. We are always having our thinking challenged by the Spirit. That challenge is part of a growing and vital faith. Once we think we have any aspect of this life or God’s Kingdom completely figured out, we would be like a motorcycle cop who forgot to lead a tight turn with his head. When this happens we can run off course and miss a vital turn of faith.
Keep turning your head toward the things of God. If you do this, you will make the tight turns in life you never thought possible had you kept looking straight ahead.