There are some roads we choose to journey upon that will never lead us to the will of God. These roads are not dead ends. They keep going on and on in the wrong direction offering false hope, draining our emotional energy, and never delivering us into a good place.  Leaving these roads of despair only happens when God intervenes. Human will and planning cannot rescue us no matter how wise our plan or resolute we might be in changing our life-direction.

The only way off these roads is to call out to God. When He hears our cry He will come and pick us up from the wrong road and put us on the roadway He originally intended for us to travel upon. This is an act of God’s mercy. It is similar to what Paul wrote about to the Colossian church regarding what happened when we are born again, “For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.” (Colossians 1:13).  God is in the transferring business, not just at the moment of our salvation but through all seasons of life.

If you are on a road leading to nowhere, call out to God. At that moment, the hand of God will begin moving in your direction to take hold of your life and make the transfer onto a new road. The time between your plea and your new placement is where hell will try to rob you of your joy and expectancy. When you first believed the mercy of God was possible a shift in your thinking began to take place.  The thought that a transfer is possible is so powerful it will not allow this temporary road of despair to rob you of your joy in your time of waiting. God is coming for you. He will be faithful to do what He promised.


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