While many look to the heavens for signs of what is to come in the future, and rightly so, we can overlook the fact that we are walking among some of those developing signs at this time. Not all signs are about the end of time. Some are preparatory. They are revelations offered to those with eyes to see and become aware that God is at work completing all that He spoke through His prophets.
These signs of God’s intervention on the Earth are taking place among people groups and cultural institutions within nations. Our bias and fear can blind us from seeing these revelations. Nothing is out of reach from the hand of God – no person, no government, no evil leader can escape His influence.
All human actions, the good and the bad, when seen from a place of Spirit-inspired discernment are interpretive tools that can reveal the broader matrix of God’s intervention in the affairs of Earth. They will show the connecting scarlet threads of similarity of His actions. People and the nations where they live are destined to become display cases revealing the works of God.
This is a critical time to be discerning. The cost of not discerning will remove us from our participation in the Great Awakening that will precede the return of Jesus. Invite the Lord to come and invade your thinking giving Him permission to push aside anything that stands in the way of your ability to see and respond to what God has set in motion. In doing so, you will become a sign yourself – a sign of someone who is awake and aware that God is at work in the world.