by | Jul 5, 2023 | Prophetic | 0 comments

We all appreciate words of hope. They help us pick up our defeated feet and keep us moving forward in faith. A word of warning is not always appreciated or understood with the same kind of welcome because it will many times require a change in how we view the world or require a modification of our lifestyle. 

The writer of Hebrews wrote, “You must warn each other every day while it is still ‘today’ so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God” (Hebrews 3: 13). After reading those words, it seems like the first believers included in their diet of faith a lot more warnings than we are issuing today. The words “every day” indicate they had a different view about warnings. 

Words of hope and warning are like exercising a muscle. They create the opposing kind of tension required to build a muscle and keep that muscle toned and in shape. A faith receiving only messages of hope week after week, never being challenged by a warning, will become flabby and weak unable to respond effectively to the issues of life. The flip side is also true. If we are warned again and again and never hear a word of hope, we will eventually become restricted, narrow, and fearful. 

If you find yourself in a circle of friends or in a place of worship where you never receive a warning, warn yourself. Those of us who were called to stand behind a pulpit were never assigned to supplant the work of the Spirit when it comes to instructing the Church. 

Warning ourselves when no warnings are being heard will keep our faith alive and in shape when the future presents challenges that only an in-shape faith will be able to navigate and overcome. In those moments, our faith will be strong enough to offer a helping hand and bring spiritual clarity to those who did not hear a warning or heard a warning but did not take it seriously.

As the writer of Hebrews stated, the dismissal of a warning only lasts “while it is still today.” At some point, a tomorrow will arrive. That tomorrow will bring with it the consequence of not heeding a previous warning. Love offers hope, but it also warns.


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