Somewhere along the way, God deposited supernatural gifts in your life that he will use to accomplish his purpose and calling for your life. These gifts were part of what God has used to bring you to this place. 

These supernatural gifts are often deposited in us through the laying on of hands. We read about this impartation in the second letter Paul wrote to Timothy. Timothy had become so busy with life and ministry that he allowed the intensity of those gifts to diminish from a flame to a smoldering ember. Both of Paul’s letters to Timothy contain warnings about the dimming condition of his gifts. Paul told Timothy to fan the embers into a flame once again. 

The longer we do life and ministry, the easier it becomes for us to operate in our own strength. We develop skill sets. We get good at what we do. Subtly, we can begin to exchange the power of God for human ability. This becomes especially dangerous when we are transitioning into a new season and crossing into unexplored territory. 

God placed gifts in your life to do what he has called you to do; you cannot fulfill your calling without exercising them. Like Paul instructed Timothy, you need to stir up your gifts so they are white-hot with potential to accomplish the spiritual passage that lies before you. 

(An excerpt from the book, A Good Place)


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