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by | Feb 17, 2013 | Prophetic | 0 comments

My book, God-Whispers, was just released. It is a small book about a big God. The book is a collection of personal proverbs about life, ministry and the pursuit of God. God-Whispers contains proverbial reflections of one man’s journey of faith. 

Over the years, I have been drawn to the Proverbs of Scripture because they seem to fit together amidst the diversity of their subject matter. That ability to fit makes Proverbs timeless and unique. 

Our personal proverbs can have some of those same elements of truth, but they are filtered through our own experiences and life-encounters. Our insights are developed from within the different places and levels of understanding we possess in any given season. 

God-Whispers was written from my viewpoint. My viewpoint is not the only place from which to see life; they are simply how things appeared to me at a given moment of time. Some of the most profound things I have ever received from God were in the form of his whispers of truth amidst the noise of life.

To order, follow the link below to the book’s Amazon page.



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