by | Jun 5, 2024 | Prophetic | 0 comments

During the night, a time when our body rests, the Lord still speaks to us. The night is not a wasted time thinking only bodily refreshment and rejuvenation are taking place. It is a time of revelation. We physically sleep during the night, but our spirit is fully awake always communing with God.

Solomon wrote, “After this I let my devotion slumber, but my heart for him stayed awake. I had a dream. I dreamed of my beloved— he was coming to me in the darkness of night” (Song of Songs 5:2 TPT).

Do not waste the night hours. Ask the Lord for dreams and instructions that you will carry into the daytime hours. Those revelations will be able to answer challenging questions or align us with the kind of breakthrough that the cluttered daytime hours might not see or imagine.


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