Nothing Between Us

by | Feb 9, 2021 | Prophetic | 0 comments

I have traveled a lot – hundreds of thousands of air miles. The thought of travel is no longer a joy. It is work. Recently, I received a ministry invitation. I wanted to say no but knew it was a Kingdom assignment, so it required my honoring the request before the Lord. The familiar negative emotions came to visit sourced in the thought of cramped airline seats, taxi travel, and an all-to-familiar hotel room in an unfamiliar city.

As I processed the invitation, I had to go to the Lord to listen to His voice, not the sound of my emotions, fear, or my fatigue regarding travel. As Jan and I prayed through the invitation, the Lord revealed an image to me. It was of the Triumphal Entry where the people were laying down their garments and palm fronds in the path of the Lord’s donkey as He entered Jerusalem. Shouts of Hosanna filled the streets. It was a processional of joy. I was in the image and stood with the onlookers as Jesus passed by on His donkey. As He was about the pass, the Lord turned and looked at me and said, “Get on.” I immediately hopped on the back of the donkey with the Lord and rode with Him into the city.

As soon as I was on the donkey behind Jesus and holding Him tightly, I could feel His body moving next to mine as the donkey moved forward. I could smell the sweat from his garment. It was as if it were happening in real-time. There was nothing between us but His presence. My emotions, my fears, and my fatigue regarding travel were not able to come between us. I held Him as close as I could, and a beautiful peace and trust filled my soul. 

After our time of prayer, I went to Matthew 21 and read the story of the Triumphal Entry. One verse in the text stood out, “Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord” (v.9)  I know the text is referring to Jesus, but since I was with Him in the vision, I knew I would be blessed on my upcoming trip because I am coming to that assignment in the name of the Lord. 

Whatever our concern or fear might be, if we hold Him close in an embrace of trust, nothing will be able to come between us. We will follow Him into places and assignments where we will experience the blessings offered only to those who come in the name of the Lord.


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