by | Oct 16, 2024 | Prophetic | 0 comments

I noticed something about our cat. She likes to find a high place from which to survey her world. She demonstrates to me what life in the Spirit looks like when we view what is happening in our world from a higher perspective. From that high place, we can begin to make choices not restricted by fear or the limitations of our current level of faith. 

The Church currently sits with Christ in Heaven upon His throne. “For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:6). From that resurrected position, everything happening in this life will look very different than what is represented by an earthly perspective.

From that resurrected place of authority, we can make choices that are above the limitations of an earthbound way of thinking. We will see the challenges of this life from a very different point of view.  It allows us to ask some important questions. From the throne of Jesus, what do our daily problems look like? How are we seeing and interpreting the coming election, our failing national financial institutions, or pending threats of terror? Our answers matter. They will reveal from what position we are viewing this life.

Perspective is everything in God’s Kingdom. Without seeing this life from the throne of Jesus Christ we will devolve our thinking into a painful moment and be blinded by the limitations that view will produce. 

Today, each of us who believes in Jesus Christ needs to take our faith to that high place and look again at what is causing us concern. The choices we make about our lives from that resurrected place will always be the right choice. Those choices will come from a place of complete victory, not another expression of our fears that come from a limited line of sight.


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