I took a picture of this pitiful worm right after a rainstorm. The worm along with hundreds of others just like it had left the safe soil of the earth to crawl out onto the pavement and die. The sad plight of the worm reminds me of a life of faith. Our only safe place is to remain submerged in faith and not venture out onto places of human reasoning or speculation.
Remaining in a posture of faith at this time in history will be especially important if our faith is to survive. When faced with emotional and spiritual challenges, many have placed their faith on the asphalt of resignation that evil will prevail. In other words, they have given up. That line of reasoning exposes our faith to unnecessary jeopardy where it becomes vulnerable and ends up as a dry and lifeless witness on the sidewalks of life.
Faith is defined as “proof of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). In other words, faith is most accurately demonstrated when we are unable to see what is ahead, much like the worm in the safe environs of soil. Life above ground is where we think we will gain comprehension about all that is taking place. This illusion is where our faith is put in jeopardy. In the natural world above ground is where worms are eaten by birds and stepped by pedestrians or simply dry up and die because they were exposed to elements not encountered in their natural environment.
The safest place for a believer to live is to be submerged deep in faith trusting only in God. The events of recent date and their effect on our lives create a need, a temptation, to understand all that is happening around us with absolute clarity. That is a seductive lure inviting us to leave our place of faith in search of answers that can only be found when faith is leading our life. It is a journey of deceptive inquiry designed to kill our faith and dry out our hope.
In the coming days, remain submerged in a place of faith. All the answers to your questions will be revealed in due time and because you made that choice, you will remain spiritually alive long enough to hear those answers.
Thank you, Garris!