The irrational argument that the Church should not affect change in a nation must be put to rest. During Church history, influential spiritual voices like Martin Luther, William Wilberforce, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, all leaders within the Church, spoke up for truth. That truth altered the direction of the nations where they lived. Their impact came because they spoke from the authority of a different Kingdom.
In the last few months, we have seen some remarkable things take place in the United States. Change is happening because of the influence of a different message. Truth and its resulting common-sense application have released a change in the way we govern our nation.
For example, ongoing waste, fraud, and abuse have been exposed in the institutions of government. Peace deals have been proposed as nations continue to war with each other without relief. Our children have been protected from chemical and surgical mutilation. God’s basic design for human sexuality has been affirmed. Men are no longer able to compete against women in sporting events. Merit has displaced those who are unqualified to serve and protect us. Freedom of speech has been affirmed and enforced.
The results of God’s truth expressed in our nation are something good and needed if we do not want to live amid increasing levels of social insanity. Others will choose to remain blind condemning the agents of this change.
Will mistakes and misjudgments take place as the influence of God’s people is used to redirect the course of our nation? Yes, but to fail to recognize the value of these changes and continue to demean those who bring them is a mistake. The Church has been assigned to become influencers of all things including how a nation is administered. As we follow God and His truth, not the limitations of the promises of a political system or the manipulation of greedy corporations, we will be led into a new future.
A rejection of this influence is irrational. It fails to see that God is at work influencing our government and society to become a safer and more stable place for its citizens to live, work, and raise their families. Without these adjustments, we would continue to descend deeper into the depths of deception and depravity because of an irrational interpretation of what is happening. Even if some people fail to recognize the positive effects of this influence, we are not without hope. The Lord is still supreme over all things no matter which direction a culture moves.
When the Lord is at work in a nation, something new will emerge. At first, it may be confusing for those still wrapped in the bondage of irrationality. We should not let people’s irrational responses to life blind us to what is taking place and cause us to not love all people. Love is our highest calling, loving God and the people He died to save.
In each season of life, God is always at work doing something new. That newness is unfolding now. We need to see that newness, or we will continue to follow the path of an irrational way of thinking that will always lead us to a place of despair and hopelessness.
“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?” (Isaiah 43:19).
Amen & Amen.