When I was a young cop, I worked security for some famous people. Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. Emmylou Harris. Credence Clearwater Revival, Merle Haggard and a few more I forgot over the years.
I noticed something with every performer. Each had a stage presence and a pre-stage presence. When they stepped out on the stage, they were “on.” By on I mean they had a distinct style and playlist and an audience filled with expectations based on past performances they had grown familiar with over the years.
As I thought of those individuals and groups, I was impressed by the Lord that some of you have a date and a time approaching where you will step out onto a stage of expectations. Those who are waiting to hear the sound of your voice have certain expectations they want you to fulfill. But this time, you have something different you have been assigned to release. It will seem out of character for you. The “playlist” of expectations will, in love, be violated in obedience to the Lord.
The moment you are introduced will be like those times when I watched a famous entertainer step on stage to a thunderous applause and strike the first chord. When you begin to perform you will release a new sound and a new direction. Not everyone will appreciate what you say and do. Don’t let the audience response deter you from being faithful to the Audience of One who sits enthroned in Heaven waiting to see if you will be obedient to His assignment.
This approaching moment on your life-stage has significance for more than your current audience who may not understand the reason for this change in your sound. Sing the song of faith the Lord has given you to sing and trust Him with what follows. This will be the most significant performance to date on the stage of your faith.