by | Sep 8, 2022 | Prophetic | 0 comments

Many of us in America are living at levels of blessing that would be considered privileged by those living in other parts of the world. In our country there are pockets of lack and want, but they are few and far between. Our privilege has created a false sense of security that has blinded us from seeing the historic and repeated cycles of nations rising and falling. Only the Lord remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. Nations change over time, not always for the better.

It is wise to examine the assumptions that our privilege creates. Our assumptions are like a vapor that can be blown away by the slightest wind of change. Those assumptions have formed some of our theology and worldview that continues to support a misguided understanding about the harsh realities of life and history. In some settings, they have crippled the preaching of the Gospel removing its supernatural component and replacing it with therapeutic messages that have no evangelistic potential to expand God’s Kingdom. 

Winds of change are beginning to blow across our nation. The insulation of privilege will disappear like a fog lifting to revealing a hidden landscape. Our assumptions will be tested beyond their ability to support what they promised. This lifting fog experience will be like a trust baby who has lived their entire life off the inherited fortune of their parents or grandparents someday waking up and realizing it is all gone.

All we consider secure today can crumble tomorrow in an unexpected and abrupt moment of earthquake-like seismic social change.  Build your life upon the rock of Jesus Christ and nothing else. Shed every assumption. Stand only on the promises of God. Those who stand upon His promises will be unshakeable no matter what transpires in the future.


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