Many believers are waiting for the “next big thing” God wants to do. The more I think about these “next big thing” mindsets, the more I have come to realize they are illusions. The next big thing God wants to do is witihin my heart and yours. He wants us to obey His words in John 17 where Jesus said the world will believe His message because they see that we, as the Church, are one – undivided against each other. If you have picked up an offense against anyone in your local church or against a fellow believer anywhere – deal with it. The first step is yours to take. Ask God to forgive you and then go immediately to the other person and ask them to forgive you for picking up the offense, even if you were the “innocent” party. True revival is waiting on the condition of our hearts to change so the people in our communities can see the heart of God living in the people of God.