by | Aug 11, 2022 | Prophetic | 5 comments

The pain and disappointments of this life can throw us off course causing us to stumble and lose our momentum. God will not allow us to remain imprisoned in that place.  He has a future planned for us that requires renewed momentum to accomplish His will. In that stalled season He has lessons for us to learn and new insights to explore before the momentum begins. 

If you have lost momentum, you will not be able to regain momentum by even your best efforts.  That is a task only God can accomplish if you are willing to admit you don’t know what to do or how to take the next step. That admission is the empowering ignition point of regaining a Spirit-empowered momentum.

Jeremiah said, “We are not able to plan our own course” (10:23). I would suggest neither are we able to create a plan to reenter a place of momentum.  What we desire cannot be created by human energy or planning, or by submitting to someone’s religious cheerleading or putting on a game face and faking it until we make it. 

The Lord said to Paul, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness” (II Corinthians 12:9). Our personal strength or intellect cannot restart a lost momentum. Only by submitting to the grace of God in a time of personal weakness can a restart occur. 

When you submit your weakness to the Lord, the process of regaining your momentum will begin. In the current standstill while waiting for the Lord, begin to worship and thank Him for what is about to take place.

A new momentum is approaching. That expectation will begin to transform the groans of your sorrow into songs of joyful expectation. That joyful expectation will be evidence that your new momentum has begun.


  1. Jamie

    Thank you so very very much for sharing this word.

    Thank you

  2. Sharon

    Hits to the heart right now. Bless you Garris for your obedience to write as the Holy Spirit instructs you.

  3. Galen Wright

    Thanks, Garris. I needed that!

  4. Kathy Ballantyne

    You have expressed and defined where my husband and I have been for several months. I believe we are beginning to experience the joyful expectation you spoke about. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Linda Franusich

    Wow! Needed that Garris.. Thank You


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