To be restless means a person is unable to stop and rest. It’s like any word that has “less” attached at the end – heartless, worthless, homeless. It references an absence of something.
For a life in the Spirit, there is another kind of restlessness. It is not negative. It is a stirring of the Spirit that doesn’t allow someone to settle in and accept something as a finality until God has His way in a matter. This is not about personality types or one’s phycological makeup. It is the Spirit causing an unsettled feeling. The feeling of being spiritually unsettled keeps us moving forward and not settling into the accepted status quo or ways of thinking. in that Spirit-energized restlessness, we are being moved forward toward a future place of a revelation or intervention that God has planned. Our spiritual restlessness is moving us toward a point in the future where we must be fully present spiritually, emotionally, and in some cases, physically.
Our world is restless. That restlessness has at its core a knowing that something is afoot and amiss on a global scale. That knowing. without the presence of the hope of Jesus Christ, will create an unhealthy kind of restlessness. It is unhealthy because God’s peace is absent at the core of the solutions currently on the table to bring true peace. Only the Prince of Peace, not social resolutions, or a change of government can bring peace to our hearts and in the nations. What makes a restlessness in the Spirit so very different from the restlessness of the world is the presence of God’s peace. Only when peace is at the helm of our restlessness, not fear or uncertainty, can we be assured we are being led by God.
We don’t see it on our major news outlets in the United States, but the nations of the world are restless. Millions of people are marching in the streets of world capitals filling the camera lens with images of restless people as far as the eye can see. People know that something is wrong and that a profoundly dark attempt to control all aspects of our lives is in play. People are unable to put their finger on the cause of their restlessness and that unresolved restlessness will lead to greater social disorder and global upheaval. The only solution for restless hearts is encountering Jesus. It is that simple.
As world events become more unstable with each passing day, believers who carry and exhibit the peace of God will be used in profound ways in the coming days. If you are feeling restless in the right way, you are being awakened to see things that can only be seen through the eyes of the Spirit. God’s peace will keep the lens of your faith clear able to interpret what you see with clarity and truth and not join the restless masses made restless and blinded by fear, not by faith.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).
Most often for an Intersessor.. It is a call to prayer.. Holy Spirit directed prayer..
A call to prayer seeing the restless situation, knowing fully that God will act once invited into that situation, gives the intercessor peace in the center of their being way before seeing the intervention.