In a dream, I saw packs of wolves roaming the land. They were viewed as pets, not predators. They roamed the countryside breeding and increasing in number without hindrance. These were not natural wolves. They were spiritual wolves with fangs of deception, judgment, division, fear, control, manipulation, gossip, and betrayal.
Jesus warned His followers of those who use such fangs, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15).
My pastor, Roy Hicks Jr., a true apostle in the faith, once made a comment during a sermon that took some people by surprise at his boldness. He said, “You don’t convert wolves, you shoot them.” Roy was obviously not referring to shooting someone with a real gun. He was referring to firing truth at the cloaked deception used by a wolfing spirit to come among the flock and rip apart the sheep. He went on to say to those who are pastors and care for a flock should never allow a wolf to continue chewing on the sheep while trying to convert a wolf’s predatory behavior.
In the dream, I was on vacation with my family. I saw the wolves roaming the pastures and forests. They were unrestrained. People stopped to take pictures of the animals like naïve tourists who did not realize the danger where they stood.
I began to shoot the wolves. It was disturbing to those who saw the wolves as zoo-like animals. I was amazed at people trying to protect the wolves as friends and family were being eaten alive. As I continued to shoot the predators, some of them tried to assume a posture of a passive dog lowering its head and waging its tail to creep closer to me hoping that presenting a peaceful image would let them get close to me to take a fatal bite. I shot those clever wolves as the tourists continued to loudly protest.
Jesus spoke of wolves. He said “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore, be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16). The harsh and uncomfortable reality of the world into which we venture can resemble an unchallenged feeding ground for these wolves. The lambs of Jesus are dangerous to the wolf population when the lambs know how to handle the weapons of spiritual warfare.
In his farewell to the Ephesian elders, Paul spoke of what was to come “For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock” (Acts 20:29). Paul was telling the elders to be aware, not naive.
A shepherd’s protective heart is needed at this moment when wolves of deception are roaming our world unchallenged. This protective heart is not limited to someone whose ministry is behind a pulpit. It is an assignment for all of us who follow the Lord. We need to know how to see through a wolf’s sheep-like clothing to discover its deceitful intent. Once that intent is uncovered, we need to be able to fire rounds of truth with precise aim into the heart of darkness.
So blessed by your daily blogs. Roy Hicks Jr (and his mom and dad) were friends of my mom and dad, Bill and Carol Burnett. What an amazing ministry family. Roy Jr was one of my all time favorite speakers, along with our wonderful friend and spiritual mentor in our early years of ministry, Jerry Cook.
Garris – I had a similar dream last night. Shoot wolves that approached. Observers that were confused. Not with such clarity, but a cautionary theme of not being deceived by the similarity wolves might have to the “pets” we embrace in our family. Hmmm. Do I sometimes allow the dangerous actors in this world to get too close??
Gary’s final comment is spot on.
I’m discerning, watchful, & focused on our need to be prepared. It is so very easy in my kind & loving life to let those dangerous actors much, much too close.