The deeper our faith moves the simpler it must become. All our theories and presumptions must fall away if we are to believe the simple truths of God and His word. Those who have an explanation for everything and form rigid religious formulas will become the most confused at the time of the Lord’s return. Only those who hold onto a simple explanation will survive what is coming.
The tactics of Satan have been the same across time. He is a deceiver and a liar. What makes him believable is that his deception and lies are so well-crafted that they sound reasonable and true. Reasonableness is a tool of hell used to manipulate people.
As Paul was addressing a nervous church who thought the day of the Lord had already come, Paul described how the enemy works in their confusion, “Don’t be so easily shaken or alarmed by those who say that the day of the Lord has already begun. Don’t believe them, even if they claim to have had a spiritual vision, a revelation, or a letter supposedly from us” (II Thessalonians 2:2). The multitude of visions, revelations, and teachings are confusing people. In that state of confusion is where hell does its deepest work of deception.
Paul went on to say, “Don’t be fooled by what they say” (vs. 3). The word “fooled” is also translated as “deceive.” It means to seduce someone into believing a lie.
This deception will be so powerful it will even seduce some within the Church. Satan’s power will also impact all religions at the time of the Lord’s return, “He will exalt himself and defy everything that people call god and every object of worship” (vs. 4). Satan wants it all – all people, all religions, and all nations who will bow down to him.
Those who hold onto a simple faith, if they are still alive at the time of the Lord’s return, will see the Lord deal with the man of lawlessness and his followers. It will not be a gentle and peaceful confrontation, “The Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him by the splendor of his coming” (vs. 8).
Our speculations and theories about the timing of the Lord’s return and what will transpire at the end of time must be weighed wisely. They are not what will redeem us. Only Jesus and our simple devotion to Him will keep us safe when appealing seductions are offered and those seductions seem reasonable and easily accepted as truth.
We must keep all aspects of our faith simple. In that simple understanding, we will be able to discern how to live and remain steady in our faith when confusion reigns in the world and the breath of the Lord is released. His breath will destroy all of hell’s seductive lies that were designed to lead us astray but at the end of all things, it will also reveal the splendor of Jesus Christ for all to see.
AMEN,.. thank you.
Amen!! Simple and True!