Spiritual Intelligence Gathering

by | Jan 28, 2021 | Prophetic | 0 comments

One of the most profitable tactics in the field of intelligence gathering is to embed an asset in the culture and institutions of an enemy. These embedded assets assume a strategic position to gather the information that will allow their government to know ahead of time what an enemy has planned.

The principle of embedded assets also applies to the Kingdom of God. Not all of God’s plans are made known to every believer only to those with a discreet assignment of prayerful intelligence gathering. The spiritual intelligence gathered by these strategically placed individuals is a revelation that only comes by the Spirit. This revelation helps an asset craft prayers that will prepare the way for the will of God to be made known. These prayers are powerful. They can shape the future history of individuals, families, and nations. 

Not all that God is doing is meant to be made known prematurely in casual conversation or on the glaring billboard of social media. Just because it may seem that nothing is taking place to the natural eye does not mean the embedded assets of God are not at work or that God has nothing planned. This is the nature of a suddenly of God. It happens suddenly and without warning, but not without prayer.

The prayers offered by these embedded intercessory assets are being gathered together to be poured out at strategic moments according to the will, plan, and timing of God. If you are one of these assets you have been given this assignment because the Lord can trust you to walk in spiritual integrity and emotional stealth knowing that hiddenness and silence is your assignment.

The most critical works of God’s Spirit are taking place out of sight and will remain unrecognized until a sufficient level of strategic prayer has weakened the strongholds of darkness. It will be in that moment of weakened strength that the plans of the enemy will fail because the prayers of the saints prevailed.


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