It feels like you are surrounded by a restricting presence. What you perceive as a negative form of restraint is actually being misinterpreted. This encompassing presence is spiritual scaffolding put in place by God. He is trying to rebuild and retrofit your life like a contractor would do to a building in need of repair and upgrade. Up to this point, some parts of your life were not safe for visitors because collapse was a real possibility. That unstable season is coming to an end. God has been shoring up what was weak and restoring what was in decay.
God is in the supernatural restoration business and you are His project. Be patient. Let God have His way in this rebuilding process. Soon, the scaffolding will be removed and the new you will be revealed. When God is finished with your project you will be amazed at the results.
Thank you for your faithfulness to listen and hear Holy Spirit's voice and speak it out. This word is encouraging to me on a few different levels. Guess that's the way it is with scaffolds. Thank you Garris