by | Jun 13, 2024 | Prophetic | 1 comment

I was given an assignment from the Lord a couple of years ago. My assignment was that if I choose to watch a video or see a photo of a stumbling leader; I must choose to pray for that person. On occasion, I have failed to fulfill that assignment, but it still remains my goal. My prayer is a simple one, “Lord, make yourself known to them.” I’m not allowed to wallow in the failure of someone with whom I disagree and who has proven to partner with evil. I must exhibit a heart of mercy.

We quote a famous verse declaring what it’s like to live in the light of God’s truth, The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day” (Proverbs 4: 18).  We can read that verse out of its context if we allow it to stand alone. The next verse provides its context and a reason for us to walk in God’s light, “The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble” (vs. 19).

The balance of these two verses offers us an opportunity to extend mercy to those who stumble. A blind person is ignorant of what they are stumbling over. Only the light of Jesus Christ can illuminate their path. Some leaders are given over to evil violating the truth on purpose attempting to fulfill the goals of another kingdom. We still pray for them just like the early Church prayed for Paul until the Lord appeared to him on the road to Damascus and the brightness of the Lord’s presence changed his life.

God’s mercy will have us pray for blind leaders to see the light of Christ and from that moment of exposure, they will be able to make the right choices. If we pray for nothing else a single prayer of mercy will carry more significance than praying for them to do the right thing. They are simply blind people needing to see the Light.

1 Comment

  1. Mary Costello

    Tony Evans just stepped down for “his sin”. He left that blank. I would rather pray for mercy on his victims. They are the ones coming out of abuse only to be abused again by a religious church who has no discernment.


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