A New Song for a New Season

I remember when I first heard hundreds of believers singing together in the Spirit. I had never heard such a heavenly sound before. It was beautiful. Up to that time I had attended concerts in various world-class venues. None of them came close to the sound of voices...

Prophetic Delay

As we wait for the fulfillment of a prophetic word, we should never appear like someone following a carrot-dangling-on-a-stick, continually pushing a word forward into the future past its initial date of promise in hopes something will take place. Once a prophetic...

Recalibrating Our Mission

In this unusual time in history, the Western Church is being offered an opportunity to recalibrate. In some cases, we have wandered from the very things that motivated the Early Church to be so passionate and all-in regarding their commitment to Christ. The first...

Everything Working Together

I have lived long enough to know that God will work out all things for good in due time. I have also lived through several seasons of history that have been assigned apocalyptic endings, and frankly, none of them panned out as they were darkly predicted. No matter how...